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Eventicketbox is the fast, easy and safe way to find and purchase tickets. You can get information and buy tickets online in a few minutes.

Simply purchase your tickets on your computer or phone, print your tickets or show them on your smartphone and get admitted.


Why use eventicketbox

  1. Purchase tickets using your credit/debit card from the comfort of your computer.

  2. Choose Your Price preference and Seat:

    If the event is assigned seat, you can pick your seat on the interactive seating chart.
  3. Fast and easy delivery

    You can simply print your tickets at home or show your e-tickets on your phone to easily get admitted

Eventicketbox as a Company


So, let’s start with introducing the company:

Eventicketbox was established in 2023.

Something unique about Eventicketbox is that we build almost all the code in-house, and by our own engineers. We do not acquire code, we do not acquire other companies and integrate with them and we do not offshore code.

As a result, our code and software have very high quality, well maintained and it is very easy for us to add new features and enhancements.


Eventicketbox as a Software


Designed specialty for Promoters, Venues and Event Organizers


Eventicketbox is a full-featured ticketing and box-office solution, with a great feature-set and unbeatable pricing.

Eventicketbox is suitable for many different types of events, ticketing, admission, booking, and reservation and is perfect for many industries. It is a great solution for:

  • Venues, theaters, stadiums, arenas and cinemas
  • Community theaters
  • Festivals
  • Concerts
  • Schools, colleges, universities and K-12
  • Performing arts
  • Dance studios
  • Ballrooms
  • Classes including per session, per semester, or monthly registration
  • Holiday events, fairs, temporary shows or activities
  • Admission to amusement parks and museums
  • Non-profit events, fund-raising events, galas
  • Tours and transportation
  • Activity booking such as escape rooms, VR experience, boat rental, …

Eventicketbox is not only a ticketing website. It is also a ticketing platform.

It means that as soon as you sign up, it builds you a ticketing portal or website, with your own name, logo, branding, design, and puts you in full control of the site and your ticketing operation. You can even have the ticketing on your own domain or sub-domain such as or for a fully branded solution.

With our plattform buyers are going to buy directly from you, and not Eventicketbox. They will see your name on their credit card statement and you are going to receive the sales money, directly and as tickets sell.

Eventicketbox will not have a hold on your money and will not have access to it.